Heiko Martinez
Since 1989 gastronomy merchant and event manager with specialization in basic engineering in the range of ambitious gastronomy. At the hands of thirty years of experience in the Berlin gastronomy my team and I possess a big network to achieve the best possible results for a successful business development.True to the motto, as much as individuality as possible and as less system as possible, to implement the economically factors of success in the gastronomy.
- Peter Paul, Berlin (restaurant)
- Pantry, Berlin (restaurant)
- Bravo Deli, Federal Ministry for Family (BMFSFJ), Berlin (quick service restaurant, Café, full service caterings - up to 800 caterings annually)
- Café Bravo, Kunstwerke, Berlin (café, restaurant)
- Greenwich, Berlin (cocktail bar, with Heinz „Cookie“ Gindulis)
- Deutscher Pavillon, Expo 2000, Hannover (exposition)
- Café Jacques, Berlin (café, bar)
- Café Konsulat, Berlin (restaurant)
- Mo’s Bar/Greendoor, Berlin (Cocktail Bar)
- Dubmission, events & DJ booking, Berlin (club)
- Mo’s Club, Alte Brauerei, Berlin (rare groove club)
With our successful and long pedigree we offer an entire accompaniment from the idea up to the key delivery as also a complex consulting of already existing businesses. Based on the gastronomical requirements we lay the focus on holism and credibility in the whole realization of the project. To ensure a positive image transfer the conception of the gastronomy and the visualization stringently interlocks (corporate identity).
- analyses (e.g. erroe analysis of already existing businesses, location etc.)
- consulting of already existing businesses
- consulting with choosing the location
- planning & realization
- concept
- marketing
- Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst, Architektur & Design
- personalization
- consulting of art, architecture & design
- events
- art consulting fitted for gastronomy
- art procurement
- procurement of rare furnishings or custom made design
- coops with architects (Prof. Dr. Schneider), design (juma design), web design (moving rooms), kitchen planners
- staff consulting
Cocktail Bar Berlin 360° Tour
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Berlin (Restaurant) 360° Tour
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VR - reality show
the new Art for iOS FiBRUM
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Bravo Deli
Federal Ministry of Family Affairs 360° Tour
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Analyzes Realization
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